Sunday, July 30, 2023

Strange News - from the deep

Recently, a group of student divers near Taiwanese shores were surprised by a monster of an oarfish (regalecus glesne). The giant reflective silver-orange fish is usually found 200-1000 feet below surface but also can live as deep as 3,000 feet. It can grow up to 36 ft long and weighs several hundred pounds. It is the longest bony fish in the world.

Known in Japanese folklore as the "messenger from the Sea God's Palace", it is a harbinger of Doom appearing before natural disasters, specifically earthquakes. In 2011, right before the Fukushima earthquake 20 carcasses washed up to shore nearby. In 2017 before a 6.6 magnitude earthquake, there were also reported signings. 

In other news, a rare Pacu fish from South America was found by Charlie Clinton in a neighborhood pond in Oklahoma on July 15th. This distant relative of the piranha has strangely human-like teeth. It can grow up to 1 m long and weigh up to 40 kg.

In the great lakes area there have been reports of a vampire rayfish. The sea lamprey (petromyzon maronus) goes around randomly taking bites from its neighbors leaving behind circular wounds and scars. The sea lamprey has a slimy body, seven gill openings, and a round mouth with curved razor-like teeth. This extremely destructive fish is causing a headache for local fishermen and wildlife control. 

Where do enlightened fish live? In the conspirasea.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Project Breakthrough Listen

A week ago the SETI institute gave a presentation on YouTube about a recent publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Frank Marchis interviewed Vishal Gajjar regarding a new method in project Breakthrough Listen. The project searches for technosignatures coming from extraterrestrial origins. These may be signs of technology that are alien in nature. Historically, the institute has used a very narrow frequency channel to define their parameters. Now they are looking for something nature doesn't produce, a train of engineered repeating pulses.

Like us, we can expect that aliens may have leakage from ordinary technology, but they may also have launched a transmitter into space for the purposes of communicating with us. A good place for them to put it would be the center of the Milky Way galaxy because it's somewhere both parties know where to look. Also, the stars are older there and there are billions of them with a large number of planets so it's a good shelling point to increase the chances of detecting something.

Currently the project is using the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia. It is 100 m in diameter and operates anywhere between 1 GHz and 100 GHz. The team has about 20% time dedicated to the project, which is a really decent amount. For the recent publication the data included the survey of half a million stars in a 4.5 hour period. So far their total observation time is 25 hours. 

No signal has been found, but this is a first attempt and researchers are not discouraged. This is a major breakthrough in the search for extra terrestrial intelligence and the first of its kind in SETIs 60 year history. Credit goes to the graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, Bryan Brzycki, who developed the algorithm. 

Tune in here for our episode on SETI.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Colorado Cryptid

As far back as 1920, there are reports of a fearsome cryptid lurking in the Colorado mountains, the slide-rock bolter. The creature has a large head, small eyes, and a gaping mouth with razor-sharp teeth. The tail is dolphin-like but with hooks to help it latch onto mountain crests and ridges where it sits downwards at a 45° angle. The creature is 100 ft long and weighs 250 tons.

The slide-rock bolter or macrostoma saxiperrumptus, takes out anyone who ventures into its territory. After an attack it climbs back up with its hooked tail. This cryptid eats anything in its path including large forest animals and tourists. Luckily it only needs to eat about once a month or so. Local rumor has it that it eats up to 10 tourists per year. 

Although there haven't been any confirmed recent sightings, you can tell that the mountain whale has been around because it razes entire forest areas, pulling trees out by the roots or cutting them clean down. 

In the small town of Rio locals speak of the destruction caused by a forest ranger who decided to take one of these creatures out. He placed a dummy tourist dressed in clothing and filled with gunpowder at the foot of a hill. The resulting explosion flattened half the buildings in Rio. (Although skeptics say that Rio simply fell into disrepair after a silver bust caused an economic shift.)

Some think the slide-rock bolter has evolved to become more rock -like and lies dormant, biding its time. Others claim that the story comes from environmentalist Mr. William Thomas Cox, a state forester who published a book in 1910 describing the fearsome critter, but that he was simply trying to scare off loggers. 

So is this an urban legend or a unique and rare cryptid?

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Climate conspiracy

In a viral post De-smog has revealed an investigation in which they accuse the new world order communists or shadow governments of "climate lockdowns". In order to limit traffic's in some cities, city councils have voted to use a combination of cameras and fines to discourage people from driving through city streets. They say this will reduce both congestion and pollution.

One such city in Oxford, England has seen with hundreds of protesters about their new plans for what they are calling 15 minutes cities. These are areas where people can easily bike or walk to everything they need, including their home, work, groceries, education and places to do fun things. They call these areas LTN or low traffic neighborhoods and will erect barriers and open more bike lanes to encourage people to walk and ride. People will need permits in order to have their cars on these streets. They will be controlled by fines and cameras and it has a lot of people calling local governments Big Brother. There's worry about facial recognition technology for example.

So how much control is too much control when it comes to government? Is this the work of some shadow government or simply environmentalists working together with local municipalities to make a positive change? 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Proof of Time Travel?

I once read a book about time travelers that were pulled out of their timestreams at the moment of their death and transported into the future. It was an interesting premise, even if it quickly became an uninteresting story. When I was young I wished I lived in Victorian times, wearing gorgeous dresses and horseback riding and flirting with handsome gentlemen. Knowing my luck I would end up as a seamstress or fisherman's wife so maybe I'm better off here! Still, the idea of time travel has always fascinated me. Maybe that's why I'm such a Dr. Who fan.

The most compelling evidence I've ever seen of time travel is a painting by Bonaventura Salimbeni in 1600 A.D called the "Glorification of the Eucharist". The artwork is currently on display at the St. Peter church in Italy and depicts a metallic looking sphere being held by the Holy Trinity. The object looks suspiciously similar to Sputnik although historians claim it's simply the artists imaginative representation of the celestial sphere of the universe.

Then there's the curious case of Mr. Sergei Ponomarenko, a man found wandering Kiev on April 23rd, 2006. He was wearing outdated clothing and carrying an old style camera that appeared brand new. When the role was developed there were images of Kiev in the 1950s and a bell-shaped object as well. The gentleman said that he had encountered the object and then immediately afterwards was brought to his current location. He was carrying a Soviet citizen ID card which said he'd been born in 1932. He disappeared a few days later.

So is time travel real or or fantasy? Is it aliens or humanity from some future time? Or maybe it's just Doctor Who carrying around passengers in his tardis! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

UFOs and UAPs

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is pushing to declassify records related to Pentagon secrets regarding UFOs and UAPs. Legislation, which has unusual bipartisan support, requires "any and all recovered [UFOs] and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities” be given a presidentially appointed review board, which would decide what to make public. 

Ever since the 2022 Congressional hearing on the subject, there has been an increase in interest both from the public and lawmakers. In this year's defense budget both the Senate and House are calling for immediate public disclosure. Republican Tim Burchett has been quoted as saying that the American public is perfectly capable of handling such information. Have we finally moved beyond soft disclosure? 

Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Cryptid Sighting!

El Chubicabra, the aptly named "bloodsucker", continues to terrorize the small province of Ouro in Bolivian city. This cryptid has been blamed for the June wave of slaughter of over 75 chicken, ducks, and turkey, and the deaths coincide with earlier reports of mutilated cows, llamas, and alpacas in the surrounding areas. Animals were found with their eyes gorged out and their blood drained, the typical signs of the Chubicabra. 

Farmers have erected fences around their farms as protection after a confirmed sighting by drone. Still footage provided by Jam Press shows a blurry figure like a coyote up on its hind legs in a field near town. 

Last year a sighting at a Texas zoo in Amarillo prompted similar excitement. On May 21, 2022 at 1:25 am a shadowy figure was caught on surveillance footage. No animals or people were harmed (no harm no fowl!) but local officials are asking for the publics help finding their UAO or unidentified Amarillo object. 

On social media people are offering alternatives to the mystical creature, specifically: a kangaroo escaped from a zoo, a coyote with mange, wolf hybrids, and aliens. What do you think? Leave your thought in the comments below and until next time - keep it strange! 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Strange News

 Hello Listeners! 

I came across a few strange news articles that I wanted to share with everyone.

I ran across a story I couldn't believe. In 1959 the US built a nuclear powered merchant ship, the NS Savanah. It was the only ship ever designed to transport passengers and it did starting in 1961 when they powered up the 74 MW reactor. Anyone could buy a ticket and they did! 60 guests plus crew could travel at any one time. The rest of the space was taken up by cargo. It also had a swimming pool and surgical bay. Within a few years the vessel would stop carrying passengers but still continued to operate through the 1970s. The ship is on display in a Baltimore port, so if you're in the area take a tour!

In other news a woman in France was enjoying coffee with a friend when she heard a loud boom. A few moments later she was struck in the chest by what she at first thought was a bat. When she found a small stone-like object she thought it might be part of the cement tile from her roof. At some point she identified it for what it was. She had been struck by a meteorite! Someone take this woman to Vegas.

And finally in otherworldly news a singer by the name of Brocarde is divorcing her husband, who happens to be the ghost of a Victorian soldier. Edwardo and Brocarde fell in love immediately and were quickly married in a small church on Halloween in 2022. Unfortunately her husband became drunk and violent on their honeymoon and the relationship ended shortly thereafter. Best of luck to both. 

Thanks for reading and until next time - keep it strange!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

For aliens, conspiracies, and all things strange - the best history has to offer

 Welcome Listeners!

I'm excited to offer you all a new platform in which to become engaged. This blog will offer additional material related to our episodes, current news and events, announcements related to the show, and more! We've been talking about it so many of you may already know that our podcast name will soon be updated from "Alien Conspiracy Podcast" to "All Things Strange" to better reflect the content of the show. Agent Anderson is preparing to do live feed shows in addition to our discord Friday night episodes so you can put faces to the names. It's been over a year since I joined the podcast and I've learned so much about the world of UFOs, cryptids, the supernatural, and many other strange things. 

One of my favorite topics is the Blue Book files. I had no idea that there was an official government program to study and track reports of UFO sightings as early as the 1940s. People from all over the United States, from civilians to pilots to the military, called and wrote to give their first hand accounts of unusual encounters and that information was kept top secret until recently. Under the Freedom of Information Act much of the material, even redacted information, has become declassified. There is a wealth of data available for the average person to peruse on the internet. Official copies! It's amazing. I suggest looking through Fold3 if you are interested. It's easy to search and a lot of fun to read. Or you can listen to one of the Blue Book episodes of course!

 I hope you will continue to follow us as we further explore the many topics that are still out there. And remember - keep it strange!

Illegal biomedical lab found in California

In a chilling revelation that has sent shockwaves through the medical community, law enforcement authorities in Fresno, California, have con...