Monday, August 28, 2023

Illegal biomedical lab found in California

In a chilling revelation that has sent shockwaves through the medical community, law enforcement authorities in Fresno, California, have concluded a month-long investigation into an illegal biomedical facility. Hidden away in a remote warehouse, this facility, operated by the shadowy entity Prestige Biotech, was not only operating without a license or regulation but also engaging in alarming and unethical practices.

The rural warehouse that housed this illegal biomedical facility was the epicenter of a dark operation that exploited both ethics and regulations. The month-long investigation revealed a facility that was operating as a defunct diagnostics lab. Within its walls, hundreds of lab mice had been genetically modified to not only contract but also transmit COVID-19. They were kept in poor conditions, many without food or water. When authorities entered the warehouse they found 180 dead and had to euthanize almost 700.

Inside the deep freezers of the facility lay an inventory of infectious agents: HIV, COVID-19, rubella, and malaria. There were also rooms filled with unlabeled medical waste, including blood, tissue, and fluids.

Prestige Biotech, the enigmatic entity behind this nightmare, was operating unlicensed and unregulated. Their activities included the development and distribution of counterfeit pregnancy and COVID-19 tests. The business addresses traced back to empty offices in China, further underscoring the labyrinthine nature of their illicit operation.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Astral Projection

 Throughout history, people from all cultures have reported out of body experiences (OOBE) or a feeling of being dissociated from the physical body, even so far as to see yourself drifting above your body. It's estimated that 5 to 10% of the population has at one point had this experience, usually under anesthesia or near-death or in the form of sleep paralysis. There are also those who can have OOBE at will. 

Now scientists believe they found a way to mimic these experiences by sending electronic pulses to a specific part of the brain. The anterior precuneus lies in the front folds of the human brain and likely holds a person sense of physical self. In a study of patients with epilepsy, scientists found that stimulating this area creates a feeling of free fall or floating. Scientists found brainwave activity similar to when a patient was given ketamine treatment. In addition, patients reported they felt like they had taken psychedelic drugs. While not a true OOBE the study may provide insight into why and how the sensations are created.

One interesting question is do people who can perform astral projection control this part of their brain or is it truly an extraphysical experience? In other words, the projection of consciousness could be a function of chemistry, taking place internally, or alternatively it may be the act of the consciousness traveling to an alternative dimension. From the perspective of a psychiatrist, these OOBE are dysfunctions at the brain due to trauma, disorders, or drugs. But one argument in favor of extraphysical experiences is that people who have OOBE are often aware of events beyond their actual perspective. For example, a patient in cardiac distress may see themselves being resuscitated. 

Spontaneous OOBE often occurs at times of stress when a fear response has been triggered. The typical fight or flight response is amplified, perhaps to an unprecedented amount, in times of mortal peril - which isn't something that can be duplicated in a scientific study. Thus the evidence is mostly anecdotal. That doesn't make it any less compelling.

For more thorough explanation of astral projection and OOBE tune into an old episode where agent Kruger describes his own personal near death experience (click for link)

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Vampire Skeleton Found

The Institute of Archeology at Nicolaus Copernicus University announced they had found the skeleton remains of a female "vampire". The 17th century grave was dug up near the small village of Pien in Poland. The skeleton has a sickle across it's neck and a triangular padlock on one big toe. The sickle was placed in such a way that it would be impossible to escape decapitation should the corpse try to rise from the dead. The padlock symbolizes the impossibility of returning to that stage of life. Or afterlife as the case may be.

The woman was also wearing a silk headdress woven with gold or silver, indicating a high social status. Her death may have been untimely or a suicide, causing the villagers to suspect vampirism. The sickle is also used to counter black magic and witchcraft so there is also the possibility she was practicing one or the other. Researchers hope DNA testing will provide additional details.

Tune in here for our episode on vampires.

Illegal biomedical lab found in California

In a chilling revelation that has sent shockwaves through the medical community, law enforcement authorities in Fresno, California, have con...